Minister D. K. Aruna and D.K. Bharatsimha Reddy hosted a party to celebrate the birth of their grandson, Vihaan, on Sunday night at Rock Heights. The grand do was attended by the city’s top politicians, bureaucrats and socialites. The venue was beautifully lit up and decorated with flowers. The guests were raving about the lavish spread served. Suman and Shruti Reddy, parents of the little tot were seen mingling with the guests. Chief Minister K. Rosaiah, D. Srinivas, Ponnala Laxmaiah, Indrasena Reddy, BVR Mohan Reddy, Deepti, Girish Sanghi, Pankaj-Sapna Grover, N. Raghu Veera Reddy, Sandeep-Sunita Reddy, Puru Reddy, Teja Raju, Rajesh Raju and Sangeeta Reddy and others dropped in to bless Vihaan.
Krishnadas held a party at his residence for friends from England and Dubai, recently. Hyderabadi cuisine was served and the dum murg was a hit. Spotted Dr Raghuram, Dalim, Anu, Shailaja Reddy, Ayesha Raza and Shailaja Bengali among others at the realxed dinner.